
Local Charity: Chemogiftbags.

  • 27 Dec 2022

The Chemogiftbags' story started in October 2013 when its founder, Lynne Shipton, was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Research showed that no charities provided for patients’ physical needs, so a plan was formed to offer a free bag of invaluable products to both men and women in Berkshire who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment. 

Chemogiftbags has been described by those who have received one as a ‘hug in a bag’, a bag that goes on forever and ‘a bag that gives insight into a Chemotherapy journey’.

Chemogiftbags rely entirely on donations, not just financial but also the essential products used in their gift bags.

Chemogiftbags is a fantastic local charity and you can find out more about Chemogiftbags, including how to get involved with the team, by going to the below web address: