Theresa May last week presented a petition to Parliament signed by a staggering 1,384 people to keep the Cookham Road Post Office open. The Cookham Road Post Office is one of six Post Offices in the Maidenhead area under threat from closure.
Theresa said, “The huge level of local support for Cookham Road Post Office proves how much people want the Post Office to stay open. There has been so much support for each of the six Post Offices and there are good reasons for keeping them all open. I sincerely hope that the Government will take these into account.”
“Maidenhead has been especially badly hit by the closure programme. There were originally six Post Offices under threat, but now the Post Office at Waltham St Lawrence is also being closed. This means that in the Maidenhead constituency, 35 per cent of Post Offices are under threat, well above the national average of 20 per cent of the Post Office network. In Slough and Windsor, only two Post Offices have been threatened, why is Maidenhead being hit so hard?”